Graphite bipolar plates LAB / IAG pilotline

Graphite bipolar plates LAB / IAG pilotline

Our fully automated pilotline is equipped to handle both thermoset and thermoplastic materials using a 1 to 3 stage process. The setup includes a heated press, a robotic system with gripper and an automated oven.

Unlocking the potential of graphite bipolar plates with the IAG expertise

Innovation has always been a driving force behind progress. Mono/Bipolar plates are essential components in fuel cells, facilitating the conduction of chemical reactions that generate electricity. We are proud to lead the way in this exciting field. Our laboratory and IAG pilotline enables us to provide comprehensive support to our clients.

IAG LAB is equipped with some testing and analysis tools dedicated to improve production processes of graphite bipolar plates. With our pilotline, we're fully prepared to assist our clients in various ways:

1.) Prototyping and testing:

IAG prototyping and testing service allows us to collaborate with materials providers, development partners and end users, utilize custom tools to create prototypes for our clients. These prototypes are the initial steppingstones towards further qualification, enabling us to work closely with our customers to design and refine the functionality of bipolar plates.

2.) Co-Development with IAG pilotline:

We know that transitioning from a prototype to mass production is a complex journey – our pilotline covers this aspect. Offering the possibility of co-development, is leveraging our existing equipment. We can produce pre-series samples and work collaboratively with our clients on manufacturing solutions for mass production. Our pilotline serves as a demonstration platform for future production facilities, ensuring a seamless transition. By working together with our clients and providing pre-series samples, we can define the requirements of the production facility of the future. This collaborative approach enables us to develop the necessary processes and machine technologies for mass-market production and to offer those solutions for our clients.

3.) Individual production lines:

With the learnings and the experience of our pilotline, we offer individual production lines for fully automated production of bipolar plates on a mass scale. 

Due to our expertise, the IAG LAB and the existing IAG pilotline, we can offer a wide range of services, from prototyping to co-development and even customized production lines. We are here to support our customers on their journey to mass production and serial manufacturing - when it comes to innovation, IAG is your trusted partner.

Schematic scheme of IAG pilot line

Figure: IAG pilotline for the prodcution of graphite plates (Mono-/Bipolar plates)

The IAG pilotline is a fully functional production line, designed as a “starter kit” to produce up to 500.000 plates per year (depending on the required manufacturing process). The “starter kit” is designed to be the initial facility for the serial mass production of monoplates / bipolar plates used in redox flow batteries and fuel cells (LT-PEM or HT-PEM).

Our pilotline is fully automated and capable of accommodating versatile process workflows (see the diagram below):

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Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Figure: IAG pilotline for various processes (thermoset and thermoplastic)
